Three Dental Pain Causes You Shouldn't Ignore

If you are one of those people who avoids dentist visits because of fear, finding yourself with any kind of dental pain can be a source of significant stress. While it's easy to dismiss the pain and try to pretend that it doesn't exist, that pain could be an indication of a more serious concern. Here are three potential causes of concern that can lead to more severe problems if neglected.

Dental Cavities

The hole that a cavity creates in your tooth can make the tooth sensitive to temperature and cause persistent pain. When a cavity first forms, it's easy to treat with a cleaning and filling. If you leave it untreated, though, it has the potential to cause a serious infection that can damage the root. Over time, this may require a root canal to treat the problem.

Chipped or Injured Teeth

When a tooth has been chipped or cracked, that damage can weaken the tooth and leave the dentin inside vulnerable to bacteria and infections. In addition, a sharp edge created by that chip or other damage may cause cuts or other damage to your gums, cheeks or tongue. To avoid the risk of serious infections or more extensive tooth damage, you should talk with a dentist or endodontist about putting a crown over a tooth that's damaged this way.

In addition, a tooth that's been damaged by any other impact to your mouth may cause persistent pain. Particularly if it was shifted out of place, this may leave the roots at risk of infection or other serious dangers. You'll want to have the tooth x-rayed and inspected by a dentist or endodontist right away.


Bruxism is the habit of grinding your teeth, typically in your sleep. This can wear down the enamel on your teeth, exposing dentin to potential bacteria. In addition, clenching your jaw can cause pain and discomfort in your jaw muscles, gums and teeth. Depending on the severity of your bruxism symptoms, you may even find yourself facing cracked teeth, which can be very painful. When a tooth is cracked, it is even more vulnerable to infection.

Any time you struggle with dental pain, it is important to have it evaluated. Even if you think that the pain is just from a cavity, that can be a serious danger to your teeth. With the information here and the help of an oral health care professional, you can not only identify the source of the problem but also have it treated before it becomes a serious health hazard. For more information, check out sites like
