3 Signs That You May Have Gum Disease

You may not know this, but gum disease is one of the most common oral conditions in the United States. By causing pain, irritation, soreness, and discomfort, gum disease isn't something that you want to mess with. Although gum disease can be easily treatable during the early stages, it can be a little bit more difficult when it's in its advanced stages. To help you determine if you may have gum disease, this article will take a closer look at three signs to look out for. Read on to learn a little bit more.

Red Gums

Your gums should be red, but they shouldn't be bright red. If you notice that they are bright red near where your teeth are, then it may be a sign that you either have a gum infection or that you have gum disease. When too much plaque builds up on your teeth and across the gum line, it can cause a bacterial infection which can lead to swollen and red gums.

Bleeding Gums

Even though bleeding gums can be caused by things like hormonal changes, the primary cause of bleeding gums is actually gum disease. Do your gums bleed really easily when you are brushing or flossing? Have you noticed that your gums just start bleeding out of nowhere? If so, then you will definitely want to contact your family dentist right away for a dental examination.

Swollen, Tender Gums

Another sign of an infection or gum disease is if your gums are really tender and swollen. When you touch your gums, are they sore to the touch? Do they feel tender when you rub your finger over them? Also, do they look really inflamed near your teeth? These are two other indications that you may have gum disease.

One thing to know about gum disease is that if you are a tobacco user or smoker, then you are at a higher risk of developing gum disease and other infections. Make sure to notify your doctor if you start smoking or if you smoke on a regular basis so that they can perform additional tests.

By going to your family dentist every six months and by practicing good oral care like brushing and flossing twice a day, you should be able to prevent gum disease from happening, but just like with anything, there is no guarantee. To learn more about gum disease and how to fight it, contact your family dentist today.
