Dental Implants And Hurdles To Getting Your Teeth Restored

Dental implants can replace missing teeth in order to give you natural-looking teeth. You don't have to do anything special to your dental implants, and you simply brush and floss your teeth like normal. While many people are excellent candidates for dental implants to restore missing teeth, some individuals are not able to get dental implants right away. You need to be able to heal effectively, which is not always possible if you have out of control blood sugar. Smokers are also poor candidates for dental implants, as the dry mouth caused by smoking and the motion of smoking both cause implants to fail often. Talk to your dentist, someone like Kyle J Frisinger DMD, to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

If You Have Gum Disease

If you have gum disease, your gum tissue may not be healthy enough to have dental implant surgery. You need to be able to heal from the implant being placed in your mouth. If the gum disease is reversible, your dentist can provide you with treatment for the gum disease and you will be a candidate once you've improved.

When You Grind Your Teeth

While grinding your teeth may not prohibit you from getting implants, it is something to consider before you have the surgery done. If your teeth grinding is significant, you can knock an implant out of place during your sleep.

When You Are a Smoker

The good news about dental implants and smoking is once you quit, you could be a good candidate for dental implants. Smoking dries out your mouth and reduces the ability of your gums to heal. Once you stop smoking, you won't have to worry about a dental implant failing because of poor circulation. Although you may have to let some time pass from when you stop and when you have the surgery.

If You are Pregnant

Women who are pregnant are not good candidates for dental implant surgery. Once the baby is born, you can get the dental implants you want. Implants during pregnancy are not recommended.

People who have blood sugar levels that are out of control or children who aren't done growing are not good candidates for dental implant surgery. Once you become an adult you can get dental implants. For those with diabetes, once blood sugar levels are stable, it becomes possible to get dental implants. Talk with the dentist about the hurdles you have to getting implants, and see what can be done to get the smile you want.
