Understanding 4 Types of Dental Implants

If you lose a tooth due to trauma or decay, there are restoration options available to you. Some people choose dentures, but dental implants are a better choice for people who want a permanent solution. When you decide to have dental implants placed in your mouth, you will have to choose the variety you want. These are the four types of dental implants you can choose from:

1. Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most common type of dental implant. These implants are placed below your gums into a hole drilled in your jawbone. As your bone heals around the implant, the implant will become part of your body. Endosteal implants are made of titanium. A ceramic prosthetic will be attached to the implant itself once your body has sufficiently healed.

2. Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are another available option. Unlike endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants are placed above the jawbone. This unique placement makes subperiosteal implants an option for people who do not have enough bone mass for traditional implants and don't want to undergo a bone graft procedure. Many people recover faster when they choose this type of implant since it does not affect the underlying bone.

3. Mini Implants

Mini dental implants are yet another option. This type of implant is placed in the jawbone, like endosteal implants. However, mini implants are unique because they're smaller than traditional implants, making them a good choice for people with jawbone erosion who don't want subperiosteal implants. The mini dental implant procedure is relatively non-invasive, which can lead to a more comfortable recovery.

4. Ceramic Implants

Ceramic implants are another type of dental implant to consider. Unlike other implants, which consist of a titanium rod and a prosthetic tooth, ceramic implants are made entirely from ceramic material. This implant is made in a single piece; the prosthetic portion of the implant is attached, which is another way that this type of implant is unique. People with metal sensitivities may prefer ceramic implants. Some people also feel that ceramic implants are more discreet and natural-looking than other varieties of implants.

Dental implants can restore lost teeth and prevent bone loss. Dental implants can also prevent the need for costly orthodontic procedures in the future by keeping your teeth from shifting. Discuss your implant options with your dentist. They will help you choose the type of implant that will work best for you.
