What To Expect During A Tooth Extraction

If your dentist recommends tooth extraction, you may have concerns about the procedure. However, most dental surgeons are experts at it. In many cases, dental extraction is simple with minimal problems. Others may need a more complicated procedure. Keep reading to learn more about why you may benefit from dental extractions and what to expect during the procedure.

Why Do a Tooth Extraction?

Dentists usually reserve extraction for teeth that they cannot save otherwise. If your tooth has severe decay or damage, you risk infection and complications if it is not removed. Some dentists will also remove wisdom teeth as a preventative measure.

What Are the Different Types of Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extractions generally come in two different types. The type you need depends on the tooth and the reason for the extraction. 

Simple Extractions

A simple extraction is a common procedure. It involves local anesthesia. The dentist uses a dental elevator and forceps to remove the tooth. You are usually awake but should feel no pain. The dentist may sew up the socket or use other materials to encourage clotting. 

Surgical Extractions

If you have an un-erupted or difficult-to-reach tooth, then you need a dental surgeon. You will not only need local anesthesia but could also receive anesthesia and light sedation through an IV. The surgeon may cut deeper into your jaw and around the tooth to get it out. They then sew up the gums.

What Can Complicate Tooth Extraction?

Certain health conditions, like diabetes, complicate the healing process. Make sure you tell your dentist about your diabetes or any medications you take. If you have immune system issues, you could have problems with the healing process and may need to take extra medications.

One of the most common complications, though rare, is a dry socket. If a clot fails to form after tooth removal, bacteria can settle in and cause an infection. To avoid dry sockets, keep the wound clean. Do not smoke or use tobacco. Also, avoid crunchy or hard food for a few weeks after extraction.

Most dentists will try to save the tooth rather than extract it. If you have a serious issue, extraction may be the only option. Your dentist and dental surgeon should go over the procedure with you. They may use slightly different techniques than those listed above. After your procedure, you will need to keep in touch with your dentist to check for complications. If you have a dental problem or want to know more about extractions, talk to your dentist.
