3 Things Everyone Must Know About Yellow Smiles

Do you feel like your teeth aren't white enough? Have you been wishing that your teeth were a few shades whiter? A few hundred years ago, having bad teeth was sometimes seen as a sign of wealth because it meant that you had access to sugar, something that was extremely expensive at the time. Fortunately, we live in more enlightened times and know that having good teeth is something that is essential to health.

How To Smile More Often

Smiling is an ability that everyone is born with. Babies are able to smile at those who they are the closest with by two months old. However, a smile is more than just an ability people are born with. It is also an ability that comes with many psychological and physical health benefits. Physical Benefits of Smiling Those who smile experience a drop in their blood pressure. Those who are suffering from pain are less likely to experience it when they smile.

Top Four Ways You Can Prevent The Need For Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are the best way to restore a tooth that's cracked, chipped, or had decay so severe, it needed a root canal. Even though dental crowns can preserve your tooth so you don't have to have it pulled, you want to take certain measures to minimize your need for crowns. After all, you only get one set of teeth and you want to keep them as healthy as possible.

Be Kind To Your Implants: How To Avoid Problems With Your Dental Implants

If you've chosen dental implants as a way to replace your missing teeth, you'll need to be prepared for the care that they'll require. Unlike dentures that can be removed for cleaning and care, your dental implants will be permanently affixed to your jaw. As a result, you'll need to take steps to protect them from harm. Here are some tips that will help you give your implants the care they'll need.

3 Potential Consequences Of A Dental Impaction

While many people sail through the eruption of a third molar, or wisdom tooth, others can develop severe pain and impaction. Though dental discomfort is the most common symptom of erupting wisdom teeth, other, more severe, reactions can occur. Here are three potential consequences of an impacted wisdom tooth and what you can do about them. 1. Nerve Damage An impacted wisdom tooth can cause inflammation or damage to one or more of your cranial nerves such as the optic nerve, facial nerve, and olfactory nerve.