When To Opt For Same Day Vs. Traditional Dental Implants

If you're the right candidate, your dentist may offer you a same day or immediate implant instead of the traditional dental implant procedure. Here are some cases where it's okay to opt for the same day implant and others where you should go for the full dental implant treatment.  When to Opt for Same Day Implants Same day dental implants should be done only when your mouth is in excellent health.

Two Tips For Your Dental Health

Ensuring that your smile is as attractive as possible will require you to address a number of dental problems over the course of your life. Sadly, it can be fairly common for individuals to be uninformed about how to address some of the more commonly encountered dental problems. By being informed about the following dental tips, you can help ensure that you are prepared to handle these common problems. Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Healing From Dental Implant Surgery: What To Expect And How To Soothe Your Discomfort

Having dental implants inserted is a surgical procedure, so when you arrive home, your mouth is going to be a bit sore. It's helpful to know just what to expect in the hours, days and weeks following your surgery, as well as how best to deal with any soreness and pain you experience. Here's a look. What will your mouth feel like after the surgery? Since anesthesia is used during the surgery, you will be numb for a while after the surgery.

Information About No-Prep Veneers

Dental veneers may be able to give you the celebrity smile that you've always dreamed of. However, the preparation time associated with traditional porcelain dental veneers can be lengthier than some people would like. Still, there is an alternative for people who would like to have veneers without the additional prep time. No-prep veneers have become available. Here's a bit of information about their application: What are no-prep veneers?  No-prep veneers are porcelain veneers that do not require the grinding of the tooth surface before the veneers are applied.

Three Dental Pain Causes You Shouldn't Ignore

If you are one of those people who avoids dentist visits because of fear, finding yourself with any kind of dental pain can be a source of significant stress. While it's easy to dismiss the pain and try to pretend that it doesn't exist, that pain could be an indication of a more serious concern. Here are three potential causes of concern that can lead to more severe problems if neglected.